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We give thanks and praise to the Lord...

...for our new home. We have now been in our apartment for one week and have begun buying furniture and appliances. We know that these 'things' don't make a house a home but we are eager to use the apartment to show hospitality. We believe our home will play a key role in disciple making and starting a new gospel expression among english speaking nationals and foreigners. And after moving 6 times in the past year, we are eager to put down some roots for a while! We are so thankful that the Lord provided this place - an answer to your prayers!

...that He continues to cover us in His peace! Setting up in a new country is challenging for sure but the Lord has given us an 'ease' that we did not expect in navigating this new place and setting up a new life here. Sure, there is something to be said about a honeymoon period but we really believe the Lord is answering your prayers for peace in these days.

We are asking the Lord... open our eyes and ears to the people and needs around us and to His heart for how we are to engage here in Mexico City. In other words, we are asking for a clear vision of the "who", the "what" and the "how" of what he wants for us here in Mexico City. We know he wants us to make disciples and we are eager to do so but we are also trusting that as we pray together, He will show us more of what our role and engagement here will look like. give Mackenzie and Lukas good friends. The transition to a new school and a new home has been a little rocky and while the boys are putting on a brave front, they are lonely and longing for relationships. We are asking the Lord for friends for both Mackenzie and Lukas. show us new rhythms of rest. As we are thankful for the peace that the Lord has given, we are perpetually tired. We know it is a mix of transition, early mornings, Lucía not sleeping well and adjustment to so many things but we also have not been disciplined in taking time to rest. We need new rhythms and we need to be bold in making decisions to slow down and not try to accomplish so many things. 

Thank you so much for praying with us! We would not be here and could not stay here without you!

with love,
Chris, Angela, Mackenzie, Lukas and Lucía.


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27


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